Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Monday, December 17, 2007
Odds n ends
We heard giggling, which we all know means that they are doing something they shouldn't be, and this is how we found them.
Then we have the fact that the husband "Mr. Star Wars fanatic" has a boy sized Darth Vader. With a Santa hat. Because "At the Carriveau's" we're all a little (or a lot) crazy.
So... Boys with Vader.
Monday, December 10, 2007
What little boys are made of...
Boy4.3 is stubborn (caramel?) and apparently incapable of sensing wetness or urges to utilize bathroom facilities (teflon?). Boy4.3 will be oldest child ever not potty trained. Boy2.5 is excessively loud (potato chips?) and can't decide if he wants to show up/beat Boy4.3 (angelfood?) or use 4.3 as his model (gum on your shoe?). At any rate, potty training is going well. (Note sarcasm)
This makes Mama30.9 want to be made of chocolate and alcohol and run far, far away.
Friday, November 30, 2007
It's been awhile but look how productive I've been...
In other news, we are pretty much done Christmas shopping and packages are wrapped under our tree which is almost completely decorated. Sometimes we are so organized. =)
Here is my plan for the weekend: grocery shopping early Saturday, watch snow fall while finishing tree, hibernate. Good plan, huh?
I'm really looking forward to the holidays this year. I think a lot of it has to do with really needing that week of vacation that I'm taking.
So happy end of November, beginning of December. =)
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Good Weekend
I got to go to a neighborhood baby shower yesterday where I believe it was determined that the 4 or 5 of us with little ones should have a Mommy club and leave the little ones with their Daddys. HA!
Today I went into work for an Open House we had at the library. We are now housing a collection for the WI GFWC and it was a huge success. College is happy. The women's club is happy. The library is happy. Ane is happy. Did I mention there were brownies and apple cider?
To top off the great weekend, I got to watch a really funny movie (Evan Almighty) and the kids haven't been awful. (This in itself is amazing). So here's hoping that next week isn't bad. =)
Friday, November 02, 2007
If it wasn't for Survivor...
If you don't follow Survivor you should. It is really my favorite addiction. Someday they'll stop making it and I'll need to go through a 12 step program. Anyway, last night was awesome because what I like to refer to as "the evil ones" did something really stupid and one of them got voted off. I was literally bouncing during tribal council I was THAT excited.
So today I'm much happier because although Halloween is over, at least I still have Survivor. Thanks CBS.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Guess what we did this weekend? Yep, carved pumpkins today. The boys each got to pick their pumpkin and the face. Ryker's is the little one and Xander's is the big one. Stay tuned for their Halloween custumes.
I also made an apple pie (first time ever). It's soooo good. And banana bread. Can you tell that I had a bunch of fruit I needed to get rid of?
H-Sorry the picture doesn't show it well but I ended up getting red added into the brown and blonde I had already. It looks really quite nice.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
So here's the agenda for my day of relaxation (no stress allowed!):
- Catch up on blogs, email and facebook. (check)
- Go shopping for new black leather boots
- Buy Ryker a winter coat
- Get my hair cut
- Color my hair because I need something new
I like the list. Looks manageable and there is nothing on it to overtax my poor tired little brain. If I have time left over maybe I'll watch some Days of Our Lives or start reading Wicked. But I don't want to do too much. Maybe I'll just take a nap since it is so gloomy. =)
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
grr. arg.
Jason's swamped at work and I'm supposed to be leaving for a conference tomorrow...
grr. arg.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
The Ryker Update
Thanks to everyone for the thoughts, prayers and support. It means alot to us.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
You can call me Captain
My pirate name is:
Captain Anne Vane
Even though there's no legal rank on a pirate ship, everyone recognizes you're the one in charge. You tend to blend into the background occaisionally, but that's okay, because it's much easier to sneak up on people and disembowel them that way. Arr!
Get your own pirate name from
part of the network
Thursday, September 20, 2007
It's Thursday and my mind is mush.
In other news here are my random thoughts for the week:
- If the DOT is going to re-route 2 exits worth of traffic onto the road that leads to exit 3. Then said road should not have one lane closed during rush hour. DOT = not smart
- I am convinced that whoever created those elastic pull things (with the buttons) for little boys pants should win a Nobel prize. I love them. They keep Xander's pants up.
- Toddler clothing is not designed for skinny toddlers. Ryker's clothes need said pull things desperately.
- Toddlers are clutzes. Ryker had 4 ouch reports from daycare in 2 days.
- Survivor starts tonight. Happy, happy, joy, joy!
Monday, September 17, 2007
It's gotta be the genes
The reason for this latest bout of worry is Ryker. He had his ear checkup and hearing test with the ENT on Friday and it didn't go as we had hoped.
- He needs a new set of ear-tubes.
- He's got a bunch of fluid behind his eardrums that are muffling sound. (Which explains why he always sounds like he's mumbling). He can't hear whispers at all.
- Since this is his second set of tubes (and he had a ton of infections with the first set), he has to have his adnoids out and stay in the hospital overnight.
So needless to say, I'm not particularly happy with any of that. We can't let it slide, he needs the surgery so I have to suck it up. Jason, of course, is fine. He spent the weekend telling me to stop looking at Ryker like "that." "That" is apparently some sort of sad, worried look.
I'm not worried about the tube part. I know that part will be fine. I'm not really that worried about the other surgery either. I'm worried about the overnight in the hospital and not being able to eat the stuff he likes to eat for close to two weeks. Xander would be fine. He could eat yogurt and applesauce all day. Not so my Ryker. He wants food.
By next week Thursday, I'm going to be a wreck. Ah, the joys of motherhood. Keep us in your thoughts. Thanks.
Monday, September 10, 2007
Happy 4th Birthday
Friday, September 07, 2007
Yes, I know, I like quizzes too much
You are Supergirl
| Lean, muscular and feminine. Honest and a defender of the innocent. |
Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test
Friday, August 31, 2007
Yes, I survived
Thus far I have 9 things on my to-do list for next week, 4 meetings and 2 classes to teach. All in all I'd call that manageable. Well, at least more manageable than the last couple of weeks. That sounds a little pathetic, doesn't it?
The boys are going to go see my folks tomorrow until Monday which will give us a chance to get some deep cleaning and yard work done in preparation for the big birthday bash next weekend. Apparently we're having a Herbie cake. Xander's been pretty steady on that point.
I'm going to go crash now and eat me some Blue Bunny Peanut Butter Panic. (Which is so very good).
Have a wonderful weekend.
Friday, August 17, 2007
And the race is on
There's been a lot of change at work. Mostly good but it still requires planning and adjustments and well, frankly, work.
On the homefront, the kiddos are growing like weeds. Xander is trying to decide what kind of birthday cake he wants. It keeps changing but he comes up with cute combinations. Superman-Batman, Herbie, Herbie with Superman, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, TMNT with Superman. We'll see what we land on September 8 when I need to make the cake. =)
Jason wants to make sure I include that he got an early birthday present (PS3) and that I think the blue-ray dvd is cool.
And now, I'm going to try to not think about the to-do lists at work and enjoy my weekend.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
This is fun
You're The Hobbit!
by J.R.R. Tolkien
All you wanted was a nice cup of tea when some haggard crazy old man
came into your life and told you it was time to do something with yourself. Now you're
all conflicted about whether to stick with your stay-at-home lifestyle or follow this
crazy person into the wild. While you're very short and a little furry, you seem to be
surrounded by an even greater quantity of short folks lately. Try not to lose your ring,
but keep its value in perspective!
Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
8 things about me...
- The only way I'm capable of being truly functional is through ingesting large quantities of coffee. If you want me happy too, you better add chocolate.
- I have a deep, abiding aversion to housework and a equally deep aversion to living in a pigsty, and that's how my house gets clean.
- I made a goal after grad school to only read things I really want to read. I made it to avoid the "scholarly" stuff I overdosed on in school, only to find that I know actually read that stuff because I do want to.
- I'm convinced that God makes kids cute so we don't kill our young.
- I love the time I spend commuting because it's time spent alone which is tough to get when you're a mom. I find this ironic since I hate to drive and wish I lived closer to work.
- I find it very refreshing that after 12 years together, Jason still gives me reasons to smile (even if he can be a royal pain as well, maybe number 4 applies to husbands too?)
- I'm a very passionate person. I feel things strongly and I've learned to bite my tongue to stay out of trouble.
- A perfect evening would involve a warm bath, good book and glass of wine. Doesn't that sound delightful?
And that's 8. I'll be nice and not tag anyone!
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
My boys are growing up
Now I am not silly enough to think that this wasn't going to happen. I'm fully aware that it was going to happen sooner or later. I figured I could put it off until he was 3. But no. He wanted to sleep in our bed or Xander's bed. So I've consented and we've had fewer issues since it got put up on Thursday. Jason likes to tell me that he was right and Ryker wants to be a big boy like Xander, BUT seriously he's my BABY!
And he's helping clean off the table and set the table and I'm completely unprepared for any of this. On the upside, I'm hoping that this means he'll be easier to potty train than Xander has been.
Fortunately, I'm on vacation this week and I am relaxing and trying not to pay attention to the fact that in addition to these new Ryker tendancies, Xander's grown like a foot. (Well maybe not literally but he's definitely getting taller).
I also finally got down to IL to see my friend and her twin boys. Wow, does she have her hands full. I got to have one sleep on me and while I loved it, I'm glad that my boys are older. Which just goes to show how crazy I am. I like them being older and more independent but I so miss the snuggling sleeping babies they used to be. Call me crazy but I'm just a mom.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
My favorite author
For those of you who have never read a Woodiwiss novel, may I suggest So Worthy My Love. I've read it four times and still love it. Not that she's ever written anything I don't love (or haven't read more than once).
Thank you Kathleen for continuing a wonderful addiction to reading and rest in peace.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Happy Birthday America!
Here's a breakdown of how it went:
- Pre fireworks beginning (locals lighting firecrackers): Xander scared and wants to go sit in the truck / Ryker excited and wants to see everything
- Fireworks begin: Xander excited (thanks to Mama's Oh-Oh-Spaghettios for the loud noises) / Ryker tired, jumpy and refusing to watch
- Fireworks midpoint: Both watching in awed silence
- Fireworks mid-end: Xander tired and wants to go home / Ryker really excited and wants to stay until the end.
So we had about a 10 minute interval where they both wanted to watch pretty nicely. Sigh. They did have fun though. Xander would have been better except he refused to take a nap. GRR.
In other news, my diet seems to be working. I hit 159 this am. That's the first time I've seen the 150's since I had Ryker. 7 lbs down and 14 to go! (J's also doing well, about 15 to go). Yippee!
Monday, July 02, 2007
Long, long ago I had a brain
They have apparently decided that they REALLY like to pound on each other. Which makes it difficult for the parents whose job it is to keep them in one piece.
We did see a bunch of Jason's family this weekend and I saw what having a 4 and 6 year old looks like. Still pounding on each other but they at least seemed to listen a little better. Sigh. I so want them to grow up and yet I so want them to stay little.
Like I said, I used to be a fairly intelligent person. I still manage to fake it at work but by the time I get home I'm just too tired to care.
Friday, June 29, 2007
Don't mess with Ane....
You Are Trinity |
"Touch me and that hand will never touch anything again." |
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Summer sick
So today I'm home with both my boys. And I know they don't quite feel up to snuff because they are currently napping.
Sigh, you shouldn't get sick when its nice outside. =(
Monday, June 11, 2007
I'm going to need some training
Like I don't have enough to do...
Monday, June 04, 2007
See Mom, we can get along!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Productivity and firsts
Well, its because my boys spent 3 nights away from home for the first time. 2 nights at my folks house and 1 night at Jason's folks. All had a wonderful time. Mom and Dad took the boys to the zoo and they had fun seeing the animals and feeding the goats. Apparently the goat tried to walk away from Ryker and he followed going "here, here!" Jason's folks took Xander to see his first movie in a theatre (Shrek 3). I guess he just sat there in awe looking at the great BIG screen.
When we picked them up on Monday everyone was tired and happy.
We also got to take time for fun this weekend and went for dinner and a movie. We saw Pirates 3 which was great. So many handsome men, so little time. =)
Happy end of May!
Monday, May 07, 2007
My Baby is 2
After cake, we opened lots of cool presents that the boys played with a lot.
Did you know that birthday parties are a LOT of hard work? Well apparently they are because here's what happened at about 6:00.
Thursday, April 26, 2007
So I've been a little busy
I have been swamped at work preparing for the presentation I told you all about. Which I did last week and it went wonderfully. People laughed, asked questions and generally paid attention to their lovely presenter.
In addition to that we have all the end of year collection development stuff going on and a hundred different things of that nature. Needless to say, I've been working through lunches a LOT.
We've been equally busy at home with bowling, birthdays (niece Alexis turned 1), baptisms (Madison), Easter and general family business. And somewhere in all this business my Ryker has turned into quite a little boy.
Yes, somehow the child has started picking up words in leaps and bounds. Yesterday he finally figured out that Daddy has a car and Mama has a truck. He's also been pointing out a lot of things that are "high." Apparently they must have learned about that last week at daycare.
It all makes me a little sad. I'm losing my baby. Xander is getting to be quite a big boy now and I forgot how quickly things start going that way as the 2nd birthday rapidly approaches. Sigh.
That's ok, I have two nieces that I can get that cute baby stuff from for a couple of more years. In the meantime, I'm going to fully take advantage of the two best huggers ever (before they decide that hugging Mama isn't cool).
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
When Daddy drives a Mustang...
Monday, March 26, 2007
The Last Free Weekend
"Ryker, give Xander back his blanky."
"Xander, get off your brother."
"Ryker, we don't hit."
"Xander, no head-butting."
"That's it, you both have a time out!"
Repeat for 2.5 days. Because I have two pig-headed, strong-willed, rambunctious little boys (I wonder where they get those qualities from). Ryker likes to pick on Xander and Xander responds by tackling Ryker and pounding him into the ground. The last round was around 7:30 last night at which point the Mama and Daddy had enough and put them to bed. Which involved lots of crying and promising to be good and theatrics aplenty. We then had the discussion that usually follows this kind of weekend where we want to go back and tell our 25 year old selves to be satisfied with coupledom.
Lucky for those boys their cute and know how to snuggle us. And the big one says "I love you Mama." - Golden.
Thankfully next weekend we have to bowl and we can send them to the Grandparents for 4 hours. A blessed 4 hours where we don't have to yell at them or pull them off of each other or take things away or give time outs. MMM...sounds like a little piece of heaven.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Professional development & Volunteering
Well, I did the literature search this morning to try to connect us to the broader world of libraries and came up with 27 articles/books that I should take a look at to really make this meaty. Which leads me to believe that what actually happened in October was me being hit with the stupid stick a lot harder than usual.
Because you see I have a month to prep for this BUT I also have a book sale and 1st Friends of Lane Library meeting March 30th and deletes to finish and evaluations to do and you know MY JOB to do between now and then.
Why do I volunteer for this stuff? Oh yeah, because I need to "contribute to my profession." And when people ask me to do stuff I think "well I can do that - no problem."
I'm going to spend the afternoon with 3 packs of CHOICE cards and do collection development. Nice calming activity and it needs to get done because I have faculty liaisons waiting for the cards we don't pick!
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Ane, she is smart, she learns, she doesn't like da flu.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Couldn't we all use some good news more often?
- two wonderful little boys who are sassy like little boys should be and other than having an inordinate amount of cold/flu symptoms are healthy
- two beautiful little nieces that bring a smile to Aunt Ane's face
- a husband who can still surprise me and make me laugh after 5 years of marriage and 12 years together
- parents and in-laws who love and support me
- a job that I truly enjoy
- getting that promotion to Associate that I've worked my tail off for
- friends that are there for each other through thick and thin (even when we are physically far apart)
And finally, for the ability to say thank you all for being a part of my life!
Monday, February 12, 2007
A "little" piece of news
So now I have two lovely nieces for my boys to pick on. =)
I'm a very proud aunt.
Friday, February 09, 2007
Well, I can still see
So I'm pretty excited.
For my appointment this morning the doctor thought that I was doing very well. The little flap thingy they made is still in place and my vision should get clearer as the swellling goes down.
The results in my opinion are nothing short of amazing. What miracles we have available to us today! The surgery itself was nothing short of terrifying (not because of pain just because you have that startle response when stuff is by your eye). But definitely worth it.
I can't wait to see how things look tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Wish me luck
So wish me luck and fast recovery and clear vision. And if you don't hear from me for a while I'm probably waiting for my vision to clear up!
Love you all. -- Ane
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Anniversary Night
For those of you who know Jason well, this is the 2nd piece of jewelry that I've gotten from him that wasn't related to our wedding. So I was very surprised. I'm still totally floored. So in about 2 weeks I'll have the lovely family ring I've been looking forward to since we had Ryker.
All in all a wonderful anniversary. (And Jason was pretty smug about surprising me too.)
Friday, February 02, 2007
5 years and counting
And the 5 after that and the 5 after that.
So happy anniversary to the man that makes me laugh and keeps me sane! (which is really quite a talent with two wee ones)
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
A plague on my house
On the upside, today I can breathe again (almost through my nose even) and the fog has lifted enough for me to return to work where the piles of "to-do" are trying to kick me back down. But I shall perservere. Afterall, I'm not a work-aholic for nothing. :)
Thursday, January 11, 2007
I was overdue
But overall, I feel very fortunate. Hopefully this means I'm done for a few years. Really makes me look forward to moving to the other side of Appleton (where I won't have to cross said bridge twice a day).
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Survived Day 1...
In general though I'm surprised at how I am where I wanted to be at 30. I have a job I love and the husband and family I've always wanted. I had the two kids I wanted before 30, I own a home, a car, and have a all around good life. Great friends, loving family. I guess the big issue I have now is that all my major goals were ear-marked to that age (30). I guess I need to start planning for the next decade.
So, where do I want to be at 40? I better start planning. I have less than 10 years to figure it out.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

We had a lovely holiday. It was only marred by Ryker having a nasty fever Christmas afternoon. He ended up with a sinus infection and pink eye. But we had a lovely last week of 2006.
The first day of 2007 hasn't been too shabby either so here's wishing you and yours a wonderful 2007.