Tuesday, January 16, 2007

A plague on my house

Quite literally in fact. It's a nose running, sneezing, coughing (hacking, gross disgusting), feverish, chilling, headachey plague that kicked my butt royally Friday through Monday and that the boys seem to be in the middle of. Jason of course with his super human "no sick" genes seems to be fine. I spent the weekend alternating between feeling like I was going to die and just wishing I would already.

On the upside, today I can breathe again (almost through my nose even) and the fog has lifted enough for me to return to work where the piles of "to-do" are trying to kick me back down. But I shall perservere. Afterall, I'm not a work-aholic for nothing. :)

Thursday, January 11, 2007

I was overdue

Every day I drive on one of the busiest roads in the area with a LOT of accidents. On the 441 bridge there's at least one accident a day. So I guess I'm not surprised that after 5 years of driving it everyday I got rear-ended. Fortunately no one was hurt and I didn't have the boys and my car is still drivable and it was the other guy's fault but the whole situation still sort of sucks. Once they get the parts it's going to take 8 days to fix. Argh.

But overall, I feel very fortunate. Hopefully this means I'm done for a few years. Really makes me look forward to moving to the other side of Appleton (where I won't have to cross said bridge twice a day).

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Survived Day 1...

So I have survived my first day as a 30 year old. Which according to all of the youngsters I'm related to is an amazing feat.

In general though I'm surprised at how I am where I wanted to be at 30. I have a job I love and the husband and family I've always wanted. I had the two kids I wanted before 30, I own a home, a car, and have a all around good life. Great friends, loving family. I guess the big issue I have now is that all my major goals were ear-marked to that age (30). I guess I need to start planning for the next decade.

So, where do I want to be at 40? I better start planning. I have less than 10 years to figure it out.

Monday, January 01, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

As you can see, Santa was very good to the Carriveau boys. So were the grandparents, aunts and uncles, distant cousins :)
We had a lovely holiday. It was only marred by Ryker having a nasty fever Christmas afternoon. He ended up with a sinus infection and pink eye. But we had a lovely last week of 2006.
The first day of 2007 hasn't been too shabby either so here's wishing you and yours a wonderful 2007.

Ryker's presents (A sampling)

Look Mom, Santa brought me a zebra to ride and a snowman!

Is this cool batman tent really mine?

Xander's presents (well some of the dozens)

Xander opening his new dinosaur. It roars and moves!

He got a talking Mater. He's pretty excited here.