Monday, November 20, 2006

Recent Events

Ok, so I've been offline for a while as my whole world turned topsy-turvy. Jason spent much of the last month in New York but part of the topsy-turviness is that he started a new job today. Yay! A new job with almost no travel and at least no travel for the foreseeable future. So our life should start looking a little less stressful.

In other arenas:
  • we did massive Christmas decorating this weekend. It was fun. It is really starting to get me in the Holiday spirit.
  • Ryker is chatting up a storm. He's learning new words everyday and merrily stringing them together
  • Xander has started to tell us when he needs his diaper changed. There is hope that he'll be potty trained someday.

I in the mean time have been utterly swamped at work. I'm looking forward to Val getting back in January. To add to my things to do at work list, I'm leading a massive three floor rearrangement over Winter Break. (I think I'm just crazy).

See you all in the loony bin!


Anonymous said...

hooray for the new job!

Jennette, Jen, Nette, Jenne, J said...

one month - no blog. Where are you guys??