Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Couldn't we all use some good news more often?

So I have realized that the older we get the more the bad news - good news ratio gets shifted in a negative way. Illnesses, accidents, relationship problems, and deaths seem to far outweigh the happy times of the not so distant past. So in the spirit of changing the cosmic negativity, here are the things in my life that I am very grateful are positive:
  • two wonderful little boys who are sassy like little boys should be and other than having an inordinate amount of cold/flu symptoms are healthy
  • two beautiful little nieces that bring a smile to Aunt Ane's face
  • a husband who can still surprise me and make me laugh after 5 years of marriage and 12 years together
  • parents and in-laws who love and support me
  • a job that I truly enjoy
  • getting that promotion to Associate that I've worked my tail off for
  • friends that are there for each other through thick and thin (even when we are physically far apart)

And finally, for the ability to say thank you all for being a part of my life!


Anonymous said...

congratulations on getting the Associate promotion!

Jennette, Jen, Nette, Jenne, J said...

AMEN! Couldn't agree more!