Monday, May 07, 2007

My Baby is 2

And he seemed to enjoy himself immensely yesterday at the big party.

Here he is with his Elmo cake (or as Ryker says "Melmo").

He got to eat one of his eyes. Big brother had to have the orange nose. (Everything has to be orange with Xander of late).

After cake, we opened lots of cool presents that the boys played with a lot.

Did you know that birthday parties are a LOT of hard work? Well apparently they are because here's what happened at about 6:00.


Anonymous said...

Not knowing their daddy as well as their mommy, I'd still have to say they are both the spitting image of Jason! Sorry Ane...don't you hate it that we go thru ALL the work of childbirth and they still look like their daddy?? You've got a couple of cute kids!!!

Jennette, Jen, Nette, Jenne, J said...

Wow! They're getting big! Happy Birthday Ryker!