I don't know what they are made of but I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to it.
Boy4.3 is stubborn (caramel?) and apparently incapable of sensing wetness or urges to utilize bathroom facilities (teflon?). Boy4.3 will be oldest child ever not potty trained. Boy2.5 is excessively loud (potato chips?) and can't decide if he wants to show up/beat Boy4.3 (angelfood?) or use 4.3 as his model (gum on your shoe?). At any rate, potty training is going well. (Note sarcasm)
This makes Mama30.9 want to be made of chocolate and alcohol and run far, far away.
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This one made me LAUGH.
Good luck with that. If nothing else, you may be able to say, "Your little brother's not wearing diapers. You want to let him WIN?"
WOW!!! It sounded like a fun day!!!! However, now I am little nervous for when our boys get to be that age!!!!
You are not alone - Otto's wearing pull-ups tonight, and does he care that he'll get Lightening McQueen wet if he doesn't use the potty? NO!
And of course, the most helpful thing all those potty-training books say is "they'll train when they're ready."
Snort. As if.
They'll train when Mom has a nervous breakdown. (or 2 or 3)...
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