Monday, November 20, 2006

Recent Events

Ok, so I've been offline for a while as my whole world turned topsy-turvy. Jason spent much of the last month in New York but part of the topsy-turviness is that he started a new job today. Yay! A new job with almost no travel and at least no travel for the foreseeable future. So our life should start looking a little less stressful.

In other arenas:
  • we did massive Christmas decorating this weekend. It was fun. It is really starting to get me in the Holiday spirit.
  • Ryker is chatting up a storm. He's learning new words everyday and merrily stringing them together
  • Xander has started to tell us when he needs his diaper changed. There is hope that he'll be potty trained someday.

I in the mean time have been utterly swamped at work. I'm looking forward to Val getting back in January. To add to my things to do at work list, I'm leading a massive three floor rearrangement over Winter Break. (I think I'm just crazy).

See you all in the loony bin!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Halloween Pic's

The blank stares were the best we could get.
But they were still pretty cute, don't you think?

We also carved pumpkins which turned out beautiful... All in all a pretty successful Halloween.

The highlights of the week.

We had a fabulous Halloween. The boys went trick or treating and had a jolly good time (even though it was really cold).
Yesterday Ryker was sick, today I wasn't feeling great and stayed home. Which was apparently a good thing since my hubby called at 10am to let me know that he's leaving for New York today. That's right folks, no one could make a decision about whether or not he was going until 3 hours before he actually left. GRR. Not been a good week.

Pray for me, because this weekend is not going to be pleasant.