Tuesday, March 27, 2007

When Daddy drives a Mustang...

You have little boys who love cars. Combine that with Grandparents who spoil them and you get this:

Little boys in Corvette...with headlights that turn on...and a working radio...and cupholder (not just any cupholder, one that pulls out from under the radio).
We need a bigger garage. =)

Monday, March 26, 2007

The Last Free Weekend

At least the last free one until mid-May. Here's how it went:

"Ryker, give Xander back his blanky."
"Xander, get off your brother."
"Ryker, we don't hit."
"Xander, no head-butting."
"That's it, you both have a time out!"

Repeat for 2.5 days. Because I have two pig-headed, strong-willed, rambunctious little boys (I wonder where they get those qualities from). Ryker likes to pick on Xander and Xander responds by tackling Ryker and pounding him into the ground. The last round was around 7:30 last night at which point the Mama and Daddy had enough and put them to bed. Which involved lots of crying and promising to be good and theatrics aplenty. We then had the discussion that usually follows this kind of weekend where we want to go back and tell our 25 year old selves to be satisfied with coupledom.
Lucky for those boys their cute and know how to snuggle us. And the big one says "I love you Mama." - Golden.

Thankfully next weekend we have to bowl and we can send them to the Grandparents for 4 hours. A blessed 4 hours where we don't have to yell at them or pull them off of each other or take things away or give time outs. MMM...sounds like a little piece of heaven.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Professional development & Volunteering

So around October I volunteered to do a program at an upcoming conference on assessment, library user satisfaction and evalutating what we do. I was thinking at the time: we are doing two surveys on services, collections, facilities etc and I should be able to easily put together a program.
Well, I did the literature search this morning to try to connect us to the broader world of libraries and came up with 27 articles/books that I should take a look at to really make this meaty. Which leads me to believe that what actually happened in October was me being hit with the stupid stick a lot harder than usual.
Because you see I have a month to prep for this BUT I also have a book sale and 1st Friends of Lane Library meeting March 30th and deletes to finish and evaluations to do and you know MY JOB to do between now and then.
Why do I volunteer for this stuff? Oh yeah, because I need to "contribute to my profession." And when people ask me to do stuff I think "well I can do that - no problem."
I'm going to spend the afternoon with 3 packs of CHOICE cards and do collection development. Nice calming activity and it needs to get done because I have faculty liaisons waiting for the cards we don't pick!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007


Officially sucks. But after 6 days of it kicking me down, I'm almost back on my feet. Next year I am so getting that flu shot.
Ane, she is smart, she learns, she doesn't like da flu.