Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Christmas in Pictures

Ryker notices there are cars in there.
Xander and his Spiderman helicopter.
Xander's Robot thingy.

Ryker waiting patiently for his toy to be opened.
Xander and Optimus Prime.
Ryker taking a break from opening Santa's presents.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

And by the way...our Christmas cards are going to be New Years cards. I'm a little behind. =)

Hope you and yours have a wonderful holiday.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Odds n ends

Boys in a box.
We heard giggling, which we all know means that they are doing something they shouldn't be, and this is how we found them.

Then we have the fact that the husband "Mr. Star Wars fanatic" has a boy sized Darth Vader. With a Santa hat. Because "At the Carriveau's" we're all a little (or a lot) crazy.

So... Boys with Vader.

Oh, and we made Christmas Cookies with the help of my Grandpa, the neighbor kids, my Mom and Val.
Happy Monday!

Monday, December 10, 2007

What little boys are made of...

I don't know what they are made of but I'm pretty sure I'm allergic to it.

Boy4.3 is stubborn (caramel?) and apparently incapable of sensing wetness or urges to utilize bathroom facilities (teflon?). Boy4.3 will be oldest child ever not potty trained. Boy2.5 is excessively loud (potato chips?) and can't decide if he wants to show up/beat Boy4.3 (angelfood?) or use 4.3 as his model (gum on your shoe?). At any rate, potty training is going well. (Note sarcasm)

This makes Mama30.9 want to be made of chocolate and alcohol and run far, far away.