Thursday, May 01, 2008

And then it was May

I don't know what happened to the last month. I know I had a conference and Jason had more doctors appointments and tests (he's FINALLY feeling better). I know there were 300 things going on at work but suddenly the calendar flipped and it's May 1. Well, hello May! (May you bring warm weather...please.)

Anyway, we are now 2 weeks into Xander in underwear. Progress is being made, he only had one accident yesterday. Yeah! I already know today won't be as successful since he had an accident on the way to daycare this morning but that's my fault for rushing him. Sigh But we're getting there. Yesterday he realized he had to go and made it there on time twice. That's a big deal for a kid that a month ago didn't want to at all.
Ryker's birthday party was last weekend. He won't be 3 yet until next week but he loved the party. He wanted a Mickey Mouse cake and so I did my best (see pictures)

The party was a success and he was very happy with his cake and that is all that matters.
On the work front, we're interviewing candidates this week for our Resource Services (ILL/Serials) Librarian. Going great so far. Hopefully I'll be able to post the other opening this afternoon. Then I'll have more resumes to review and interviews to do.
I guess there is just no rest for the weary! Off to do laundry now before I have to go to the airport and pick up a candidate. =)