Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mini Breakthrough

Ok. So according to daycare and both sets of our parents Xander has used the potty. Of course he has never done it for us so we were working under the theory that maybe they were making stuff up to make us feel better BUT then IT HAPPENED! He actually put his peepees in the potty. Celebrations galore at the Carriveau's.

1 time down, 1 million to go....and then there's Ryker... shake it off... For now I'll take the little win with the big kid thank you.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Crazy busy

My life is like a big whirlwind of stress and crankyness right now (and for the last two weeks). Classes started and we've had one fire after another to put out at work. Add to that disaster that I'm on two conference planning committees and have a Friends of the Library meeting coming up and I'm not so happy and getting nothing done at work. GRRR.

Added to the lovely mix is the fact that Xander is not cooperating with the potty training AT ALL. We tried switching him to underwear yesterday and having him try every half hour. HE WAS WET EVERY TIME! We just don't get it. It seriously makes me want to cry because obviously there is either something wrong with us as parents or something wrong with him or both. AH GRRR. Oh and we've already taken away half his toys. He still doesn't care. *Sob*

So at any rate, that is why I haven't been posting. Because I'm trying to keep from going postal.

K? bye.