Thursday, March 15, 2007

Professional development & Volunteering

So around October I volunteered to do a program at an upcoming conference on assessment, library user satisfaction and evalutating what we do. I was thinking at the time: we are doing two surveys on services, collections, facilities etc and I should be able to easily put together a program.
Well, I did the literature search this morning to try to connect us to the broader world of libraries and came up with 27 articles/books that I should take a look at to really make this meaty. Which leads me to believe that what actually happened in October was me being hit with the stupid stick a lot harder than usual.
Because you see I have a month to prep for this BUT I also have a book sale and 1st Friends of Lane Library meeting March 30th and deletes to finish and evaluations to do and you know MY JOB to do between now and then.
Why do I volunteer for this stuff? Oh yeah, because I need to "contribute to my profession." And when people ask me to do stuff I think "well I can do that - no problem."
I'm going to spend the afternoon with 3 packs of CHOICE cards and do collection development. Nice calming activity and it needs to get done because I have faculty liaisons waiting for the cards we don't pick!

1 comment:

alesian said...

Great job you are doing,making research on different things like literature is good.Because as a researcher you need this research for to make a relation ship with out side the country.Good job.

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