Tuesday, March 27, 2007

When Daddy drives a Mustang...

You have little boys who love cars. Combine that with Grandparents who spoil them and you get this:

Little boys in Corvette...with headlights that turn on...and a working radio...and cupholder (not just any cupholder, one that pulls out from under the radio).
We need a bigger garage. =)


KarenE said...

So true! Add that to the list of things they don't tell you in Lamaze class, that those 2 stall garages will ALWAYS run out of room!

Heather said...

I have to laugh... Jon's so amazed by the radio. Every time we go to Toys R Us he checks these out and says "it has a radio!"

I'm glad they're having so much fun with it! Otto turned down a ride in Noah's 4-wheeler (Noah lives across the street). I can't blame him -- we've seen Noah drive, and he's kind of a showboat.

:^) H