Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I took a vacation day today because I wanted a day for my brain to unwind and the stress of the last couple of weeks to go away.
So here's the agenda for my day of relaxation (no stress allowed!):
  • Catch up on blogs, email and facebook. (check)
  • Go shopping for new black leather boots
  • Buy Ryker a winter coat
  • Get my hair cut
  • Color my hair because I need something new

I like the list. Looks manageable and there is nothing on it to overtax my poor tired little brain. If I have time left over maybe I'll watch some Days of Our Lives or start reading Wicked. But I don't want to do too much. Maybe I'll just take a nap since it is so gloomy. =)


Anne Marie Leake said...

That sounds like a PERFECT day for you!!!!

Jennette, Jen, Nette, Jenne, J said...

Hey - I need new black leather boots too. Do share your findings! Take it easy.

Anonymous said...

Hey, I want to see what color your hair turned out...