Friday, November 30, 2007

It's been awhile but look how productive I've been...

So I'm going to be sending off a message to faculty announcing the cancellation of about 25K in print journals on Monday. I'm going to be adding a ton of other stuff they want but I hate that print vs electronic conversation. Bottom line: they don't use the print unless they have to. Ug.

In other news, we are pretty much done Christmas shopping and packages are wrapped under our tree which is almost completely decorated. Sometimes we are so organized. =)

Here is my plan for the weekend: grocery shopping early Saturday, watch snow fall while finishing tree, hibernate. Good plan, huh?

I'm really looking forward to the holidays this year. I think a lot of it has to do with really needing that week of vacation that I'm taking.

So happy end of November, beginning of December. =)

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