Saturday, March 08, 2008

Too much excitement

Some good, some bad.

Let's start with the good.
So last weekend was the much anticipated, never to disappoint Girls Weekend. It was wonderful, refreshing and far too much fun. My girlfriends from college are fabulous, witty and know how to have a good time. It still amazes me that after nearly 10 years of post college life we get together and it feels like no time has past at all. Yes, we've all got jobs, pets/kids, husbands and responsibilities; and we've all grown personally as well. But at the heart we are still the same people that became friends in college. I'm very grateful for you all!

This week however has been a roller coaster. We found out last Friday (on my way to said Girls Weekend) that Jason had gall stones. So this week had more tests (looks like he has to have it out), and a false alarm yesterday when one of the doctors thought he needed it out immediately. That didn't happen and now we have an appointment on Monday to figure out when he's actually going to do the surgery.

Plus I'm chairing a search committee for a new librarian at work. And redoing department budgets. And working on subscriptions for 2008-09. And...and...and...

You get the idea. Anyone ready for another Girls Weekend? =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, poor Jason - Jon had his gallbladder out 4 or 5 years ago. He had the laproscopic procedure and recovered pretty quickly. But I think he'd tell Jason to make sure to get those pain pills filled right away (take one before you leave day surgery for home), and plan for some true down-time to recover. I think he took a week off.

He's felt so much better since having the surgery - he was having all sorts of tummy problems, not to mention the pain of the gallstones themselves. I hope Jason's surgery and recovery go well!