Tuesday, October 10, 2006

The Fall TV season

So I am completely and totally addicted to television. I know, I'm a bad librarian but have you seen some of the new shows? For example, Studio 60 is great. You should check it out. It combines smart, witty writing with Matthew Perry and Bradley Whitford (two of my faves). You just can't go wrong with that. The new episodes of Gilmore Girls, Lost, How I Met Your Mother and Survivor continue to suck me in. I can't help it, I am hopelessly addicted and the best part is that I can crochet or play with the kids at the same time.

So judge me if you will but I'm kicking back tonight to watch some Gilmore Girls.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree -- Studio 60 is fantastic! And tv helps me make progress on all the Christmas present knitting, too, so it's all for the best, right?