Thursday, October 19, 2006

Why I live in WI

One of the major reasons we live in WI is because that's where our extended family is and they come in really handy sometimes. Like when Jason's gone. Mom came last night and it was good. She helped distract the boys and give them a bath and helped me regain the sanity that's been eroding ever since Jason left. If all goes well, he'll be home tomorrow and my sanity can come back.
Ryker "talked" to Jason on the phone the last two nights. This was very funny. It involved a lot of Jason talking and Ryker pulling the phone away to look at it like "how did Daddy get into the phone?" He knew it was him though because he got a big smile and said "DA!"
Xander on the other hand understands that he gets to talk to Daddy and uses it to tell him things like "I'm playing with my blue car" and "I eat the yellow, mm-hmmm." (Yellow being banana taffy).

But I definitely appreciate the fact that our moms help out when one of us is gone for a while. It really helps relieve the pressure on the parent that's left (I went to bed exhausted on Tuesday). I wouldn't trade that for better weather or beautiful vistas. Wisconsin's just fine by me (even if I do have to bundle the boys in winter coats half way through October!)

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