Tuesday, October 31, 2006

I'm lucky I love my job

Because I hate my husband's. Ok, you may be thinking that I'm exaggerating but Jason got home last night and we had the following conversation:
J- how was work?
A- Good. Why? How was your day? (I'm suspicious because he doesn't usually start off with this unless something bad is coming)
J- Ok, but you're going to be mad...
A- So when do you have to leave?
J- Probably Thursday.

OK. It's that answer that drives me batty. The fact that no one at his job is capable of planning ahead. So I have literally two days to rearrange our entire life because he's going to be gone...again. I know I should be happy that he has a job but I really don't like it when he's gone and the boys don't like it either. When J got back last week Ryker snubbed him for a day and a half. ARG. Plus Ryker is getting a cold and I'm swamped at work and when he's gone over the weekend it just makes it so much worse.

But I'm going to try to be cheery today because it is my FAVORITE holiday and I am the BatGirl!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nana nana nana nana nana nana nana nana BATGIRL

Hang in there...

:^) H