Thursday, July 05, 2007

Happy Birthday America!

We took the boys to see the fireworks last night. We missed last year's because Jason was in New York (or somewhere), so this was Ryker's first time.
Here's a breakdown of how it went:
  • Pre fireworks beginning (locals lighting firecrackers): Xander scared and wants to go sit in the truck / Ryker excited and wants to see everything
  • Fireworks begin: Xander excited (thanks to Mama's Oh-Oh-Spaghettios for the loud noises) / Ryker tired, jumpy and refusing to watch
  • Fireworks midpoint: Both watching in awed silence
  • Fireworks mid-end: Xander tired and wants to go home / Ryker really excited and wants to stay until the end.

So we had about a 10 minute interval where they both wanted to watch pretty nicely. Sigh. They did have fun though. Xander would have been better except he refused to take a nap. GRR.

In other news, my diet seems to be working. I hit 159 this am. That's the first time I've seen the 150's since I had Ryker. 7 lbs down and 14 to go! (J's also doing well, about 15 to go). Yippee!

1 comment:

Jenica said...

I long to see 159. I haven't seen that weight since about 1999, before the graduate-school-commuting and steady-diet-of-Arbys-and-Coke kicked in. I don't even have the "I had two kids" excuse. :)

Congrats on that, though, and I'm glad the fireworks were fun!