Monday, July 02, 2007

Long, long ago I had a brain

Toddlers are ... something else. I truly think my boys are trying to drive me mad. At one point, I was a fairly intelligent person and then these two cute little boys came around and now I can't even scold them properly. I've spent the last three days confusing their names. Jason has even caught on and is doing it too.
They have apparently decided that they REALLY like to pound on each other. Which makes it difficult for the parents whose job it is to keep them in one piece.
We did see a bunch of Jason's family this weekend and I saw what having a 4 and 6 year old looks like. Still pounding on each other but they at least seemed to listen a little better. Sigh. I so want them to grow up and yet I so want them to stay little.
Like I said, I used to be a fairly intelligent person. I still manage to fake it at work but by the time I get home I'm just too tired to care.

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